Honey English: Let's Go To the Market
Honey English甜心英语英文原版绘本儿童宝宝启蒙翻翻洞洞触摸读物图书 此套书特点:1.好看又好玩;2.适合英文启蒙;3知识面广,6岁以内的生活关联度强
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog is Frightened
Frog and his friends, Duck and Pig, don't believe in ghosts, until they all hear frightening noises in the dead of night. They huddle together for comfort in Pig's bed, but in the morning it is Hare who gets a real fright when he finds Frog's house empty and gets no answer at Pig's because the three friends are now fast asleep.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog and the Wide World
Starring the ever-green, always popular amphibian, little Frog takes on the big, wide world in this exciting adventure.
When Frog hears that Rat is off in an adventure to explore the wide world, he excitedly joins him and they set off full of anticipation. But it doesn't take long for Frog to start missing his friends, Pig, Duck and Hare. He soon discovers that he was much happier leaving the wide world where it was, far from home.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog in Love
In the very first story to feature the loveable amphibian, Frog is feeling most unwell. He keeps getting hot, then cold, and something inside his chest is going 'thump, thump'. Hare says it means he's in love But who with And how can he show his devotion - perhaps by performing the biggest jump ever
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog in Winter
Frog is taken by surprise when winter comes. He doesn't understand why everything is covered with white and he skids and slips on the icy pond. He is too cold to take part in any of the joyous fun that Duck is having skating or that Hare is having throwing snowballs.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog is a hero
When the rains come and the river bursts its banks, Frog, Duck, Pig and Hare are stranded. It is Frog who is a hero when he risks his life to help his friends. 'Frog is an inspired creation - a masterpiece of graphic simplicity.'
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog is Sad
This is the twelfth picture book about Frog, and his friends Duck, Hare, Rat and Pig, and certain to charm his legions of admirers with more of his na-ve antics.
Frog is miserable, and he cannot see why. Nobody has upset him, and nothing has gone wrong particularly, but he still feels blue. Then one of his stalwart friends makes him laugh, and suddenly he realises he's not sad anymore. He still doesn't know why he was so sad in the first place, but it doesn't matter. A perfect book to explore emotions and mood swings.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog and the Treasure
The eleventh picture book to star the ever-green, always popular amphibian, now available in paperback for the first time.
Frog and Little Bear go off to dig for treasure. "But how do you know there will be treasure?" says Little Bear. "I just know," says Frog. So together they dig a hole; a hole so deep that once they are in, they can't get out. Who will rescue them? And at the end of it all, will they have discovered treasure? Of course they will.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Frog and the Stranger
When a rat comes to live at the edge of their wood, the animals decide they don't like having a stranger in their midst. But Frog is friendly by nature, and decides to find out if Rat is really as unpleasant as he is made out to be. As Frog discovers, Rat is intelligent and good hearted, and proves in a series of unexpected emergencies that the other animals have been too quick to condemn him.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Harold at the North PoleJohnson
Harold's Christmastime adventure, in print again for the first time in years.
It's Christmas Eve, and Harold needs a Christmas tree. Purple crayon in hand, he sets out in search of one and soon finds himself at the North Pole, where a snowbound (and very purple) Santa Claus needs his help.
This classic character's holiday adventure will delight fans young and old, and makes a charming Christmas gift. Its small size makes it a perfect stocking stuffer, too
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Harold's ABC
Taking along his purple crayon, Harold journeys from A to Z, each letter generating a picture from which the word becomes part of an uninterrupted story.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Harold's Circus (Purple Crayon Books)
Purple crayon in hand, Harold draws a tightrope and falls into a circus [where he has many adventures].As in the previous books, the dauntless Harold is resourceful and loveable." SLJ.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Harold's Fairy Tale
Harold有天下午起床,帶著紫色的蠟筆和愉快的心情,不知不覺走進魔法花園裡。"奇怪花園怎麼什麼東西都沒有 ?",Harold決定找國王尋問解答。便開始畫城堡、柵門,卻發現自己不得其門而入,於是又畫了嚮導老鼠和一個洞口通道,準備一起進去,沒想到老鼠竟然拒絕了他的好意。Harold只好自己冒險走進裡頭找尋國王,好不容易找到了國王,但國王卻沒有給Harold他想要的答案。於是Harold失望的再畫了一個洞口,走出城堡,到了花園就拿著蠟筆隨手畫著畫著…..大巨人完成了。警覺不對的他,又陸續的畫出很多的蚊子,趕走巨人捍衛這個魔法花園。蚊子這麼多怎麼辦?又畫了煙趕走蚊子,但火又不能放著不管,又畫了雨來熄火。雨水放著好像蠻可惜的來澆花好了,接著又畫出花朵來滋潤著。令人萬萬料想不到的狀況發生了….最後一朵花,竟然變成一個許願精靈可以讓Harold實現他的願望,但這都不是Harold想要的。他開始走回家,走了一段路後,覺得很疲倦。又畫了毯子,坐下來休息,突然靈機一轉,為何不讓毯子飛起來了呢?結果願望實現了,但毯子飛得又快又高,他緊張的不得了。突然間,想到說還有身旁的紫色蠟筆可使用,最後畫出了家中的擺飾
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Harold's Trip to the Sky
With his magic purple crayon, Harold draws himself into a rocket voyage to Mars, then safely back to earth just in time for breakfast.
2018-01-22 17:56:30
Harold and the Purple Crayon
One evening Harold decided to go for a walk in the moonlight. But there wasn't any moon, and Harold needed a moon for a walk in the moonlight. Fortunately, he had brought his purple crayon. So he drew a moon. He also needed something to walk on. So he drew a path... And thus begins one of the most imaginative and enchanting adventures in all of children's books. The creative concept behind this beloved story has intrigued children and kept them absorbed for generations, as page by page unfolds
2018-01-22 17:56:30
培生少儿英语阶梯阅读L1:CLOWN'S CLOTHES 小丑的衣服
2018-01-22 17:56:30
培生少儿英语阶梯阅读L1:KANGAROO'S ROUCH 袋鼠的育儿袋
2018-01-22 17:56:30
培生少儿英语阶梯阅读L1:SPIDER'S WEB 蛛蛛的网
2018-01-22 17:56:30
培生少儿英语阶梯阅读L1:MONKEY'S TAIL 猴子的尾巴
2018-01-22 17:56:30
培生幼儿英语基础级:Amber's Big Dog
2018-01-22 17:56:30